The Biology Teaching and Learning Exchange (BTLE) at the University of York aims to support excellence in learning and teaching in the Biosciences. The group provides a network with which to engage in pedagogical research, a forum for discussion and dissemination of best teaching practices, and a platform to raise the profile of scholarship activities that take place within the Department of Biology and beyond.

BTLE was established in 2015, and is a collection of academic and support staff interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning, many of whom are based in the new Biology Teaching Building (T block). By discussing and sharing examples of good practice, BTLE aims to enhance the quality of teaching within the department.

Modern teaching is moving away from the traditional lecture, and T block has interactive and innovative teaching rooms. We aim to evaluate and redesign our current teaching to make best use of these new teaching spaces, to foster an exciting and engaging learning environment for students and staff alike.

Why BTLE? In Britain, the tansy beetle (Chrysolina graminis) is only found on the banks of the River Ouse near York. This 'Jewel of York' has been used by researchers at the University of York to explore ecological processes and to establish a model system for insect conservation. The coating on the outside of the T block in Biology reflects the iridescent beetle coating, while the rooms and people inside provide a similarly unique jewel for teaching and learning in the Biosciences.

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